India is the land of Buddha, this is not the era of war… Before going to Ukraine, PM Modi taught the lesson of peace in Poland

PM Modi In Poland: Before leaving for Ukraine, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday said that India supports peace in the troubled region. He reiterated that ‘this is not the era of war’ and any conflict should be resolved through diplomacy and dialogue. Addressing the people of the Indian community in the capital of Poland, Prime Minister Modi said, ‘For decades, India’s policy was to maintain distance from all countries. However, today’s India’s policy is to remain close to all countries.

Amid slogans of ‘Modi-Modi’, he said, ‘India is the land of Lord Buddha. Therefore, India is a supporter of permanent peace in this region. Our stand is very clear – this is not an era of war. It is time to come together against the challenges that threaten humanity. Therefore, India believes in diplomacy and dialogue.

‘India extends a helping hand in times of crisis’

Modi said, ‘Today’s India wants to connect with everyone. Today’s India talks about development for all. Today’s India is with everyone and thinks about everyone’s interests. Modi said that if any country faces any crisis, India is the first to extend a helping hand. He said, ‘When Covid came, India said – humanity first. We sent medicines and vaccines to more than 150 countries of the world. Wherever there is an earthquake or any disaster, India has only one mantra – humanity first.

Prime Minister Modi said that India’s entire focus is on quality manufacturing and quality manpower, which are very important. He said, ‘In Budget 2024, we have focused on skilling the youth and ensuring employment generation and we want to make India a hub of education, research and innovation.’ Modi recalled that when there was an earthquake in Gujarat two decades ago, one of the first countries to provide assistance was Poland.

Indian PM’s first visit to Ukraine after independence

This comment of PM Modi came before his visit to Kiev. This will be the first visit of an Indian Prime Minister to Ukraine since its independence in 1991. Prime Minister Modi is visiting Ukraine on the invitation of President Volodymyr Zelensky. Modi said he would share his views on a peaceful resolution of the conflict with the Ukrainian leader. Modi’s visit to Kiev comes almost six weeks after his visit to Moscow. Modi’s Moscow visit was criticized by the US and some of its Western allies.

PM Modi visited three monuments of Poland

He said, ‘The people of Poland have given immense love and respect to Jam Saheb and his family members, and Good Maharaja Square is proof of this. Today, I visited Dobri Maharaja Memorial and Kolhapur Memorial. On this occasion, I would like to announce that India has decided to launch the Jam Saheb Memorial Youth Action Programme. Under this programme, India will invite 20 Polish youth to visit India annually.

Modi said he also paid homage at the Mont Cassino memorial, which commemorates the sacrifice of thousands of Indian soldiers. He said, ‘This is a proof of how Indians have performed their duty in every corner of the world.’ The Prime Minister said that 21st century India is moving forward on the path of development, taking pride in its values ​​and heritage.

He said, ‘We Indians are known for our efforts, actions and empathy. Wherever we go, we Indians can be seen making maximum efforts. Be it entrepreneurship or service sector, Indians are bringing glory to the country with their efforts. The Prime Minister said that India will soon establish its own space station. He also praised the Polish Kabaddi team for its achievements.

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