How to Become Smarter: 10 Daily Habits to Boost Your Intelligence

The capacity or ability to acquire, process, and apply knowledge and skills can be referred to as intelligence. It comprises a range of mental skills, including learning, memory, problem-solving, reasoning, and creativity. Making connections, adapting to new situations, and comprehending and understanding complicated concepts are all aspects of intelligence.

It encompasses a variety of facets of life, including emotional intelligence, social intelligence, and practical intelligence, and is not just restricted to intellectual or academic endeavours. Intelligence is shaped by contextual circumstances, education, experiences, and continual learning in addition to hereditary characteristics. It is a complex quality that may be enhanced and developed with conscious effort as well as by the adoption of specific routines and practises.

You can increase the two forms of intelligence that make up your overall intellect by engaging in certain lifestyle habits:

  • Crystallized intelligence  Your vocabulary, knowledge, and skills are referred to in this. As you age, your intelligence tends to crystallise more.
  • Fluid intelligence Fluid intelligence, also referred to as fluid reasoning, is the capacity for abstract thought and reasoning.

1. Read Widely

Regular reading will help you become more knowledgeable about a variety of topics. To become more open to new ideas and perspectives, read books, newspapers, articles, and blogs. Your vocabulary, capacity for critical thought, and overall cognitive talents are all improved by this habit.

That’s because it requires multiple cognitive functions, including:

  • attention
  • predicting
  • working memory
  • long-term storage memory
  • abstract reasoning
  • comprehension
  • visual processing of letters

Study from 2013 Reading improves the connectivity of the brain’s comprehension-related regions, according to a reliable source. After reading, this effect may last for a few days, suggesting long-term advantages.

2. Solve Puzzles and Brain Teasers

Play brain-stimulating games like chess or sudoku, solve crossword puzzles, and other puzzle and puzzle solving activities. These mental challenges help to sharpen problem-solving abilities and logical reasoning.

Here are six ideas that aid with puzzle solving:

  • Start with the basics
  • Work systematically
  • Make deductions
  • Trial and error
  • Visualize and draw
  • Seek hints or assistance

3. Engage in Physical Exercise

Exercise is not only good for your body, but it’s also good for your brain. Regular aerobic activity, such as jogging, swimming, or cycling, improves memory and cognitive performance by increasing blood flow to the brain.

One of the most effective strategies to enhance brain function is to maintain physical activity.

According to a 2018 study, The hippocampus, which is active and involved in memory, is stimulated by modest exercise. Additionally, it improves communication between the hippocampus and other parts of the brain that control memory.

Regular exercise is necessary to reap the effects of exercise on the brain. The good news is that you can receive the benefits of exercise without engaging in strenuous activity.

Exercise suggestions for beginners include:

  • walking
  • jogging
  • swimming
  • cycling

4. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation

Schedule some daily time for meditation and mindfulness exercises. These methods aid in mind-calming, stress reduction, and focus and concentration enhancement. Your cognitive talents can be improved, and regular practise can help to boost mental clarity.

2019 research Trusted Source discovered comparable outcomes. The participants’ attention, identification skills, and working memory improved after they had finished eight weeks of 13-minute guided meditation sessions. Both the individuals’ stress levels and attitudes improved.

There are many ways to meditate. You can:

  • use meditation apps
  • listen to guided meditation videos
  • attend a meditation class

5. Learn a New Skill

Learn something new every day to increase your skill set over time. It might be a second language, a musical instrument, computer code, art, or any other subject of interest.

Your horizons will be expanded by this habit, which also improves memory and cognitive flexibility.

A great method to increase your knowledge, your cognitive powers, and your general intelligence is to learn a new skill.

Learn a new skill is a fun and creative way to boost your intelligence. It involves skills like:

  • singing
  • painting
  • coding
  • writing

6. Get Sufficient Sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for having a healthy brain. To enhance memory consolidation, cognitive processing, and general mental health, aim for seven to nine hours of high-quality sleep each night. To enhance the quality of your sleep, establish a calming bedtime ritual.

Additionally, it is necessary for promoting good cognitive function. Your brain consolidates the memories it has formed throughout the day while you sleep. Additionally, it improves your brain’s capacity for knowledge acquisition when you first wake up.

In fact, getting enough rest is so crucial that a 2019 study Working memory suffers even little from sleep deprivation, according to a Reliable Source.

7. Engage in Social Interactions

Engage in meaningful social connection on a regular basis. Speaking with others exposes you to various viewpoints, novel concepts, and intellectual challenges.

To encourage intellectual progress through social connections, join clubs, go to seminars, or take part in group activities.

Being social can help you stay mentally well because humans are social beings. That’s because, in accordance with a 2018 study, socialisation boosts the intellect and cognitive abilities.

If you have trouble making friends or forming relationships, you might want to think about the following:

  • join a club, gym, or sports team
  • join a library
  • volunteer in your community
  • reconnect with old friends

8. Maintain a Healthy Diet

The health of the brain and cognitive capacities are greatly influenced by nutrition. To boost brain health, consume foods high in omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish), antioxidants (found in berries), and vitamins (found in leafy greens). Keep hydrated and avoid eating too many processed meals or sugars.


A class of plant substances known as flavonoids can be found in a variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, tea, and red wine.

They have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant characteristics, which add to their potential health advantages. A diet high in flavonoids has been linked to a lower risk of developing chronic diseases and better general health.

Rich sources of flavonoids include:

  • berries
  • tea
  • cocoa
  • soybeans
  • grains
Vitamin K

According to a 2019 report, Vitamin K contributes to the survival of brain cells and cognitive function. It is predominantly present in leafy greens, including:

  • kale
  • spinach
  • collards

9. Drink coffee

Coffee is a common beverage prepared from roasted coffee beans that is consumed all over the world. It contains caffeine, a stimulant that gives you a short-term increase in energy and alertness. Because of its distinctive flavour and scent, many people enjoy drinking coffee in the morning.

A 2014 study, Moreover, it has been proven that consuming caffeine might improve concentration, which might help you stay focused and be better able to absorb new information.

coffee that may boost cognitive performance in a number of ways. Here are some essential details about coffee:

  • Enhanced Focus and Alertness
  • Improved Cognitive Performance
  • Potential Long-Term Benefits

10. Continue learning

Develop a growth mentality and a philosophy of lifelong learning. Maintain your curiosity, be open to new experiences, and look for chances to learn new things constantly.

To learn new information and skills, attend workshops, sign up for online courses, or investigate educational portals.

The pursuit of higher education does not require obtaining a degree. One can:

  • learn a new language
  • watch TED talks
  • listen to podcasts
  • read books on a new subject
  • learn a new language

Final Thoughts

Remember that these regular activities are more of a base for long-term cognitive development than a guarantee of instantaneous intelligence improvement. The secret to getting long-lasting effects is consistency, perseverance, and dedication. Put your attention on creating routines and progressively incorporating these practises into your regular activities. Your cognitive function, problem-solving abilities, and intellectual capacity will all gradually increase.

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