NASA Claims, China wants to Capture the Moon

NASA Administrator Bill Nelson has made a sensational disclosure. He has said that China wants to capture the Moon. His statement has created panic all around. China does its arbitrariness in the South China Sea.

Along with this, China also wants to capture the moon, about which the head of NASA has warned. He further said that China wants to capture the Moon, which is part of its Military Space Program.

Bill Nelson further said that America is now dealing with a new space race, this time with China. NASA Administrator Bill Nelson told all this to the German Newspaper Bild.

He said that all the countries of the world should keep a close watch on China. Nelson said that China wants to land on the moon, which is claiming itself and saying that it belongs to China, the rest of the country should stay out.

Simultaneously, in response to this, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian, while answering the questions of the NASA administrator in the press conference, said that all these allegations are baseless.

America’s job is to spread lies. And he keeps on making false allegations all the time. This is not the first time the US is making such false allegations. NASA is making false allegations, bypassing the facts.

Zhao further said that we have always stayed away from the policy of weapons. Working together in space, to make people’s future better.

Nelson said that Chinese travelers are learning how to destroy satellites of other countries. If China continues like this, the competition for the South Pole will increase.

Where China can build its own moon station by 2035 and can also start experiments after 1 year. America is fully prepared to deal with these antics of China. NASA is going to launch the Artemis Mission.

Earlier in April, Nelson had raised questions about China’s space policies. He had said that Chinese officials were refusing to cooperate with the US on their campaign also hiding confidential information.

Under the expansionist policy, China claims all the areas including Tibet, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South China Sea etc. Now he wants to show his expansionary policy on the moon as well.

Bill Nelson has warned about this. He has said that China can also claim that it is part of its military space operation. While China is calling these allegations baseless, there is a lot of truth in these claims made by Bill Nelson.

Bill Nelson is the administrator of NASA. He will not make any claim baseless. His claims are based on facts. Along with this, China is also violating international laws.

It is illegal to colonize the Moon according to International Space Law. No single country can claim that the moon belongs to it. Whereas China has a different intention. China wants to capture the moon.

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